Market Cap$ 2.66T-0.03%
24h Spot Volume$ 30.72B+24.2%
ETH Gas14 Gwei
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Bridging the gap between individuals with untapped knowledge and actors who can take advantage of these opportunities.

What is Freatic?

Information goods, unlike others, have unique properties that often lead to market failure, such as their non-rivalrous nature, high production costs, and low reproduction costs. Freatic approach using decentralization, game theory, and modern cryptography aims at overcoming these limitations to let markets of untapped information thrive.

Untapped valuable information is often exchanged within informal trust networks of acquaintances. This strongly hinders its propagation, meaning that it may not reach the actors with the capability to exploit the opportunity it offers. For instance, if someone knows of an untapped opportunity (still unknown real-estate opportunity for example) but does not have any connections with the capacity to take advantage of it, the opportunity may be lost.

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