Market Cap$ 2.53T+2.77%
24h Spot Volume$ 37.09B+0.23%
ETH Gas2 Gwei

Advanced Crypto Watchlists

Track the Performance of your Favorite Coins

Effortless Cryptocurrency Tracking 

Manage and track your favorite digital assets without the hassle.

Swap multiple tabs and manual checks for our intuitive watchlist feature

Utilize real-time data for informed and strategic decisions

Set up a layout to get all the relevant data you need on one screen. Use filters to easily navigate through a watchlist

Create Multiple Watchlists 

Why settle for one when you can have more? Create an unlimited number of watchlists to Organize your digital assets by themes, market trends, or potential investments — the possibilities are endless! 

Curate thematic lists focusing on specific blockchain ecosystems.

Rapidly track volatile assets and seize short-term opportunities.

Sort out long-term holdings and prospective assets separately.

watchlists line

Share Them With Your Friends

Start sharing your knowledge and insights with Cryptorank's sharing feature. Connect, educate, and inspire!

Share your favorite coins with your friends and navigate them into world of crypto

Foster collaboration and learning within your investment group

Gather community around your predictions. Provide valuable insights into potential investment opportunities, market trends, or undiscovered gems


What is a watchlist?

A watchlist is a handy tool for monitoring the market. Instead of manually checking data through many tabs, you can add the coins you like and track the most important data at any time in one place.

What data can I track in the watchlist?

Watchlists support all the market data available on CryptoRank and more. You can customize the layout and track dozens of indicators, including token sale performance.

How to create multiple watchlists?

Creating watchlists is very simple: just click on 'New Watchlist', edit the name, and select the first coins.

How many coins can I add to the watchlist?

You can add an unlimited number of coins to your watchlist.

Do you have filters and customizable layouts?

Watchlists support customizable layouts with dozens of indicators. You can also filter your watchlist by coin and currency.

Can I share my watchlist with my friends?

Yes, you can make your watchlist publicly available. Just click on the 'Publish' button and copy the link. Anyone with the link will be able to see it, but only you will be able to make changes.

Watchlist is always in your hand

Stay up to date on your favorite coins
with the CryptoRank mobile app

Push-notification feature.

Instantly receive notifications on your device
without having to open the app.

Sync your watchlist from Web.

Easily keep your crypto watchlist up-to-date
by synchronizing it.

unauthorized watchlist