Market Cap$ 2.48T-0.10%
24h Spot Volume$ 49.73B-1.65%
BTC Dominance51.05%+0.08%
ETH Gas8 Gwei
Red Kite

Red Kite Launchpad

Rank: 14

Year Of Foundation: 2021


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Current AVG ROI (USD)


Number of IDOs

Total Funds Raised

  • 69.1%


  • 12.4%


  • 9.3%


  • 9.2%


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Initial Cap
Raise by Red Kite

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About Red Kite Platform

Red Kite is part of the PolkaFoundry ecosystem and uses the platform’s native PKF as a utility token. The investors can hold PKF tokens to join the Red Kite platform and participate in the token sale rounds for hand-picked and vetted crypto projects.

Tiers and requirements:

Tier 1: Dove

Owning: 500 $PKF

Staking duration: 1 day

Unstaking delay: 1 day

Pool size: 15%

Lottery-based; one ticket for each 500 $PKF

Social activity requirements:

— Twitter: Follow, Like, Comment, Retweet, Tags

— Telegram: Join groups and subscribe channels

Perks for unlucky members: APY of 10%, calculated on the first day of next month for ones who win no ticket in the previous month

Tier 2: Hawk

Owning: 5k $PKF

Staking duration: 3 days

Unstaking delay: 3 days

Pool size: 30%

Lottery-based; one ticket for each 500 $PKF

Social activity requirements:

— Twitter: Follow & Like

— Telegram: Join groups and subscribe channels

Perks for unlucky members: APY of 5%, calculated on the first day of next month for ones who win no ticket in the previous month

Tier 3: Eagle

Owning: 40k $PKF

Staking duration: 7 days

Unstaking delay: 7 days

Pool size: 35%

Get one guaranteed-to-win ticket

Lottery for the remaining pool, get one ticket for each 2000 $PKF

Social activity requirements: none

Perk for unlucky members:

— Can participate in private sales, subject to availability

— Occasional airdrop of NFT and tokens

Tier 4: Phoenix

Owning: 80k $PKF

Staking duration: 10 days

Unstaking delay: 10 days

Pool size: 20%

Guaranteed allocation, weighted by a token amount

Social activity requirements: none

Can participate in private sales, subject to availability

Occasional airdrop of NFT and tokens

This tier system will be adjusted after a few projects launch as we gain more experience and get feedback from the community.