Market Cap$ 2.53T+2.60%
24h Spot Volume$ 37.18B+0.45%
ETH Gas2 Gwei

PancakeSwap Launchpad

Rank: 22

Year Of Foundation: 2020



Current AVG ROI (USD)


Number of IDOs

Total Funds Raised

  • 45.2%


  • 38.7%


  • 9.7%


  • 6.4%


Open report modalReport issue
Chg (24H)
Market Cap
Volume (24H)
Raise by PancakeSwap

0 - 0 from 0

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About PancakeSwap Platform

IFO is an Initial Farm Offering conducted on PancakeSwap.

How to take part:

  • You’ll need an active PancakeSwap Profile to take part in an IFO!
  • Stake CAKE in IFO pool. The maximum amount of CAKE user can commit to all the sales combined, is equal to the average CAKE balance in the IFO CAKE pool prior to the IFO. Stake more CAKE to increase the maximum CAKE you can commit to the sale. Missed this IFO? You can keep staking in the IFO CAKE Pool to join the next IFO sale.
  • Commit CAKE. When the IFO sales are live, you can “commit” your CAKE to buy the tokens being sold. We recommend committing to the Basic Sale first, but you can do both if you like.
  • Claim your tokens and achievement. After the IFO sales finish, you can claim any IFO tokens that you bought, and any unspent CAKE tokens will be returned to your wallet.

Earn IFO credits to participate in IFOs:

You’ll need to stake CAKE in the IFO CAKE Pool in order to get IFO credit, which will secure your commitment limit in the next IFO sale. This includes Basic and Unlimited sales.

In other words: the total amount of CAKE you can commit in an IFO is determined by your IFO credits.

Stake CAKE in IFO CAKE Pool to earn IFO credits:

Your IFO credits are calculated by your average IFO CAKE Pool staking balance over a certain period of time. We call them calculation periods. We will announce the start and finish of each calculation period in all of our social channels.

Here is an example of how the IFO credits are calculated:

A new calculation period started on block 100,000 and ended on block 301,600 (around 7 days’ time).

If you have been staking 10 CAKE in the IFO CAKE Pool for the whole duration (from block 100,000 to 301,600, 7 days), you just earned 10 IFO credits, which will allow you to commit a total of 10 CAKE in the next IFO.

If you staked 10 CAKE in the IFO CAKE Pool at block 200,800 blocks (or 3.5 days after the calculation period starts) and kept the CAKE staked till the end of the calculation period, you will earn 5 IFO credits, and that will be your maximum commitment amount to the next IFO.

Here is another example: If you have been staking 10 CAKE in the IFO CAKE Pool from the beginning of the calculation period but withdrew 5 CAKE at block 200,800 (or 3.5 days after the calculation period starts), your final IFO credits will be 7.5 CAKE ((10*100800 + 5*100800) / 201600 = 7.5). And that will be your maximum commitment amount to the next IFO.