Market Cap$ 2.53T+3.25%
24h Spot Volume$ 37.47B+1.25%
ETH Gas2 Gwei
MainPortfolio Battles

CryptoRank Portfolio Battles

Make a Prediction and Grab the Prizes!

Free and easy way to win real money prizes with your virtual portfolio. Build an unbeatable investment strategy and get a share of a reward pool.

How to participate?

Choose any active battleYou can participate in all active Battles
Сreate your virtual crypto portfolioSpread the given budget from 3 to 20 coins
Adjust your investment strategyYou can make changes in your portfolio until the battle starts
Get RewardsCheck how your strategy works and get a share of the prize pool and partners' bonuses

Past battles

Details and rules

portfolio battles rules
01Verification via Telegram is required for participating.
02You should specify your correct EVM-compatible wallet address in your account setting in order to get a reward.
03One user can create only one portfolio. Multiple accounts are prohibited. If there is a suspicion of violation of the rules prize payments may be refused.
04You could join the battle any time while the Battle is in the Upcoming stage.
07Users are measured based on their portfolio performance. Once the battle ends we define the winners of the battle. Winners will be rewarded within 14 days after the battle ends.
06Once the battle starts we make a “snapshot” of your USD distribution and make up a corresponding distribution of cryptocurrencies. Editing portfolio is not available after that.
05You could pick up from 3 to 20 tokens. Only cryptocurrencies with a daily trading volume above 50,000 USD could be picked up. You could edit your portfolio endless amount of time before the battle starts.