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MainNewsChina, Saudi...

China, Saudi drive BRICS’ push to erase dollar in global economy

China, Saudi drive BRICS’ push to erase dollar in global economy
Dec, 20, 2023
3 min read
by CryptoPolitan
China, Saudi drive BRICS’ push to erase dollar in global economy

The global financial landscape is undergoing a dramatic transformation, with the BRICS alliance – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – at the forefront of a daring initiative to challenge the supremacy of the US dollar.

The year 2023 has been a landmark period for this bloc, particularly with the inclusion of powerhouse nations like China and Saudi Arabia in their quest to de-dollarize the world economy. As these nations collaborate, the dollar’s long-standing dominance in international trade and finance faces a formidable challenge.

This strategic shift gained significant momentum at the BRICS 2023 annual summit, where expansion plans were laid out, and initiatives to bolster local currencies were launched. The addition of Saudi Arabia, along with other nations like the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia, is not just a mere extension of the bloc but a calculated move towards reshaping global economic dynamics.

Shifting Sands in Global Finance

Saudi Arabia’s induction into the BRICS bloc is a game-changer. Historically aligned with the United States, especially in economic and energy matters, Saudi Arabia’s pivot towards BRICS signifies a critical realignment. This shift is expected to have far-reaching consequences, especially in how global financial transactions are conducted. The kingdom’s move is seen as a direct challenge to the dollar’s hegemony and a step towards a more multipolar financial world.

The relationship between China and Saudi Arabia within the BRICS framework is particularly noteworthy. A landmark currency swap agreement between these nations is set to further diminish the role of the dollar in international trade. This $6.93 billion deal, conducted entirely in Chinese currency, is a bold statement of intent, underlining the seriousness of their commitment to move away from dollar dependence.

A New Economic Bloc Emerges

The implications of BRICS’ expansion and its aggressive push towards de-dollarization extend beyond the realms of finance. It’s a move that redefines geopolitical alliances and economic strategies. As more countries, particularly from the Arab world and beyond, express their interest in joining BRICS, the potential for a new economic bloc emerges – one that could challenge the West’s and, particularly, the US’s dominance in global markets.

The growing list of nations eager to join the BRICS alliance, including Algeria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco, Palestine, Pakistan, and Nigeria, points to a widespread sentiment against the current dollar-centric system. This expanding alliance could herald a significant shift in global economic power dynamics, particularly if these nations successfully leverage their collective economic strength to promote trade in local currencies.

In the end, the BRICS alliance’s moves in 2023, led by China and Saudi Arabia, mark a pivotal moment in global economics. The bloc’s expansion and the strategic partnership between its members signify a growing challenge to the dollar’s global dominance.

This shift towards de-dollarization is not just about diversifying currency usage in international trade but is also a reflection of changing geopolitical alignments. As the bloc gains more members and momentum, it could usher in a new era of economic multipolarity, significantly altering the traditional financial power structures that have long dominated the world stage.

Read the article at CryptoPolitan

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MainNewsChina, Saudi...

China, Saudi drive BRICS’ push to erase dollar in global economy

China, Saudi drive BRICS’ push to erase dollar in global economy
Dec, 20, 2023
3 min read
by CryptoPolitan
China, Saudi drive BRICS’ push to erase dollar in global economy

The global financial landscape is undergoing a dramatic transformation, with the BRICS alliance – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – at the forefront of a daring initiative to challenge the supremacy of the US dollar.

The year 2023 has been a landmark period for this bloc, particularly with the inclusion of powerhouse nations like China and Saudi Arabia in their quest to de-dollarize the world economy. As these nations collaborate, the dollar’s long-standing dominance in international trade and finance faces a formidable challenge.

This strategic shift gained significant momentum at the BRICS 2023 annual summit, where expansion plans were laid out, and initiatives to bolster local currencies were launched. The addition of Saudi Arabia, along with other nations like the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia, is not just a mere extension of the bloc but a calculated move towards reshaping global economic dynamics.

Shifting Sands in Global Finance

Saudi Arabia’s induction into the BRICS bloc is a game-changer. Historically aligned with the United States, especially in economic and energy matters, Saudi Arabia’s pivot towards BRICS signifies a critical realignment. This shift is expected to have far-reaching consequences, especially in how global financial transactions are conducted. The kingdom’s move is seen as a direct challenge to the dollar’s hegemony and a step towards a more multipolar financial world.

The relationship between China and Saudi Arabia within the BRICS framework is particularly noteworthy. A landmark currency swap agreement between these nations is set to further diminish the role of the dollar in international trade. This $6.93 billion deal, conducted entirely in Chinese currency, is a bold statement of intent, underlining the seriousness of their commitment to move away from dollar dependence.

A New Economic Bloc Emerges

The implications of BRICS’ expansion and its aggressive push towards de-dollarization extend beyond the realms of finance. It’s a move that redefines geopolitical alliances and economic strategies. As more countries, particularly from the Arab world and beyond, express their interest in joining BRICS, the potential for a new economic bloc emerges – one that could challenge the West’s and, particularly, the US’s dominance in global markets.

The growing list of nations eager to join the BRICS alliance, including Algeria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco, Palestine, Pakistan, and Nigeria, points to a widespread sentiment against the current dollar-centric system. This expanding alliance could herald a significant shift in global economic power dynamics, particularly if these nations successfully leverage their collective economic strength to promote trade in local currencies.

In the end, the BRICS alliance’s moves in 2023, led by China and Saudi Arabia, mark a pivotal moment in global economics. The bloc’s expansion and the strategic partnership between its members signify a growing challenge to the dollar’s global dominance.

This shift towards de-dollarization is not just about diversifying currency usage in international trade but is also a reflection of changing geopolitical alignments. As the bloc gains more members and momentum, it could usher in a new era of economic multipolarity, significantly altering the traditional financial power structures that have long dominated the world stage.

Read the article at CryptoPolitan

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Payments in National Currencies Surge to 92% Among SCO Members

Payments in National Currencies Surge to 92% Among SCO Members

Payments in national currencies among Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) members...
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BRICS: Turkey Submits Application to Join Alliance

BRICS: Turkey Submits Application to Join Alliance

Turkey (Türkiye) formally applied to join the BRICS nations, aiming to increase its g...
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3 min read
by Watcher.Guru