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MainNewsFive Crypto-...

Five Crypto-Friendly Countries Where Spending Your Crypto Is Fun

Five Crypto-Friendly Countries  Where Spending Your Crypto Is Fun
Jul, 24, 2023
14 min read
by CryptoPolitan
Five Crypto-Friendly Countries  Where Spending Your Crypto Is Fun

As the world witnesses a rapid evolution in financial systems and technological advancements, the adoption of cryptocurrencies has become a significant trend in numerous countries. Bitcoin, being the pioneer in the cryptocurrency space, has garnered significant attention from governments seeking alternatives to traditional fiat currencies.

Created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin rose to popularity as an alternative mode of payment post the 2008 collapse of the real estate and securities markets. More than a decade later, Bitcoin has been officially recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest and first cryptocurrency ever created. 

The crypto market was never the same after El Salvador, a Central American country, announced the adoption of Bitcoin as a legal tender in September 2021. Since then, many countries have displayed a positive attitude regarding the crypto sector. Many politicians and hedge fund managers have predicted a bullish future for cryptocurrency. 

Countries with Positive Attitude Towards Crypto

Many countries have adopted crypto-friendly policies allowing blockchain firms to register themselves as virtual asset service providers (VASPs) including Switzerland, Singapore, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the United Kingdom as well under the leadership of Rishi Sunak. 

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as one of the most progressive countries in the world regarding crypto and blockchain adoption. The UAE government has taken various steps to embrace digital assets and create a favorable environment for the crypto industry.

One significant development in the UAE’s crypto adoption is the acceptance of cryptocurrencies for paying visa and trade license fees. Government-owned licensing firm Kiklabb allows its clients to use various digital assets for these transactions. Additionally, the Dubai Financial Services Authority has been working on a holistic crypto regulatory framework as part of its business plan, further demonstrating the country’s interest in blockchain technology and digital currencies.

The UAE’s crypto-friendly policies have attracted companies like Ripple, which decided to open an office in the region. Moreover, the UAE and Saudi Arabia are reportedly collaborating on a joint central bank digital currency research initiative known as “Project Aber.”

The high level of confidence in cryptocurrencies has led to strong adoption in the UAE, with a reported 27.2% of the adult population engaging in crypto transactions in 2022. This rate places the UAE as one of the leading countries worldwide in terms of cryptocurrency usage.

Furthermore, businesses in the UAE are increasingly accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. The Visa’s Back to Business Global Study revealed that every small business owner surveyed in the UAE planned to accept some form of digital payment, with more than one-third expressing a willingness to accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Education institutions are also embracing cryptocurrencies in the UAE. For instance, the Citizens School in Dubai announced that it would accept tuition payments in Bitcoin and Ethereum when it opened its doors to students in September.

Overall, the UAE’s progressive approach to crypto regulation and its efforts to integrate cryptocurrencies into various sectors of the economy have contributed to its rapid adoption of digital assets. The country’s forward-thinking stance has made it an attractive destination for crypto and blockchain startups and companies seeking to expand their global footprint in the rapidly evolving digital economy.


The United Kingdom (UK) has shown significant growth in crypto adoption, positioning itself as one of the leading countries in the world with a surging number of cryptocurrency users. Various reports and studies shed light on the extent of crypto adoption in the UK and the factors contributing to this growth.

According to recent surveys, the number of people owning cryptocurrencies in the UK has increased dramatically. In 2018, there were around 1.5 million crypto owners, which skyrocketed to approximately 9.8 million in 2021, representing a staggering 650% increase in crypto adoption. This surge in ownership demonstrates a growing sense of acceptance and recognition of cryptocurrencies as a viable form of investment among UK residents.

Major crypto providers like Coinbase, Binance, and eToro have experienced exponential growth in their user base in the UK. Coinbase, in particular, leads with over 100,000 daily active cryptocurrency users (DAU), indicating the popularity of its services in the country.

Despite the rapid growth in crypto ownership, the UK ranks 21st out of 26 countries for overall crypto adoption, according to a Crypto Adoption Index report from November 2022. The crypto ownership rate in the UK is reported to be 9%, which is lower than the global average of 15%.

The UK government has also taken proactive steps to regulate the crypto industry. The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023, which received Royal Assent, aims to safely adopt crypto assets and create a regulated environment to attract international investors and promote growth in the sector.

The UK’s crypto market has been primarily driven by transactions in decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) spaces. London has been recognized as the world’s most crypto-ready city for business, which indicates the country’s potential to become a leader in crypto innovation.

It’s important to note that the crypto market can be highly dynamic, and regulatory changes or market trends may influence the adoption rates and overall landscape in the UK. As of 2023, the UK continues to be an important player in the global crypto industry, with significant growth in crypto adoption and a supportive environment for blockchain-related businesses and technologies.


Singapore has shown significant interest and adoption in cryptocurrencies, positioning itself as one of the leading countries in the global crypto market. Various reports and surveys provide insights into the extent of crypto adoption and the factors influencing its growth in Singapore.

According to a survey conducted in February 2023, one of the main reasons influencing Singaporeans to adopt cryptocurrencies was portfolio diversification. Additionally, 53% of respondents indicated that their family and friends played a role in influencing their decision to adopt cryptocurrencies. This suggests that the awareness and positive experiences shared by close connections have contributed to the uptake of cryptocurrencies in the country.

In terms of overall cryptocurrency adoption, Singapore ranks consistently among the top countries. The TripleA Global Crypto Ownership data, based on various metrics such as Country Weighted Scoring and Primary Data Collection, has ranked countries according to grassroots cryptocurrency adoption. This indicates that a significant portion of Singapore’s population has been embracing digital assets, contributing to its high ranking in the adoption index.

The authorities in the country released a framework for digital assets in September 2022 as per which crypto exchanges in the country would be required to share key details with regulators to increase transparency. Moreover, taking advantage of the regulations, DBS Group Holdings Ltd., Singapore’s largest bank, expanded its cryptocurrency trading services to an extra 100,000 of its richest clients. 

On the other hand, crypto, received regulatory approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore and now provides its services to the citizens of the city-state. In early July 2023, the MAS asked the crypto firms operating in the country to keep the funds belonging to their clients in a trust to provide an additional layer of security.


Indonesia has shown significant interest and adoption in cryptocurrencies, positioning itself as one of the countries with a high crypto adoption rate globally. As of 2023, Indonesia has shown significant interest and adoption in cryptocurrencies, positioning itself as one of the countries with a high crypto adoption rate globally. 

According to a study by Gemini, Indonesia has one of the highest crypto asset ownership rates globally, with 41% of Indonesians aged between 18 and 75 years old and earning more than $14,000 per year owning crypto assets. 

This places Indonesia among the top countries in terms of crypto adoption, sharing the top spots with Brazil among the 20 countries surveyed. The study suggests that many investors in Indonesia view cryptocurrencies as a hedge against future inflation, contributing to the high adoption rate.

Additionally, Indonesia has announced plans to establish a national cryptocurrency exchange in 2023 as part of a broader financial sector reorganization. The Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti) currently oversees digital assets, but the regulatory power over cryptocurrencies will be shifted to the Financial Services Authority (FSA) by 2024. The national cryptocurrency exchange is expected to be operational by mid-2023 and will be run by a private-sector company.

Indonesia has also experienced an increase in the number of crypto traders, reaching 16.3 million users by the end of 2022, compared to only 12 million in February 2021. This indicates that adoption is still happening despite market fluctuations and price movements.

Furthermore, the total value of cryptocurrency transactions in Indonesia from January to June 2022 amounted to 212 trillion Indonesian rupiah, reflecting the growing interest in digital currencies in the country.

The Indonesian government’s focus on establishing a national crypto exchange and shifting regulatory oversight to the FSA demonstrates its recognition of the importance of the crypto market and the need for proper regulation to protect investors and promote responsible crypto trading.


According to a report by KuCoin, 16% of the German population aged between 18 and 60 are crypto investors, and the interest in digital assets is rising consistently. The report highlights that 45% of digital asset investors in the country started trading within the past 6 months, indicating a recent boom in crypto investments among German citizens.

Furthermore, a ranking report from Coincub reveals that Germany witnessed a surge in cryptocurrency activity, moving up three places to become one of the leading crypto economies in the world. Germany is legally recognizing licensed cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers, contributing to its position as a crypto-friendly economy.

Moreover, Germany nearly entered the top 20 countries in the world in 2022 in terms of crypto adoption based on transaction volume. The inclusion of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) in the index likely influenced this positive trend, with Germany ranking well for both DeFi-related metrics.

Interestingly, Europe, as a whole, has seen increasing digital asset use and adoption, and Germany, along with countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands, has been leading the way in adopting cryptocurrencies.

While the crypto winter of 2022 presented challenges, such as a bearish market, expanding regulations are expected to boost crypto adoption in 2023, including by institutions. Reports suggest that institutional investors globally have shown increased interest in digital assets, further driving adoption in Germany and other countries.

Overall, the crypto adoption trend in Germany is positive, with a significant portion of the population already invested in cryptocurrencies or curious about them.

Adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender

There are two nations in the whole world that have adopted Bitcoin as legal tender, i.e., the Central African Republic (CAR) and El Salvador.

El Salvador

El Salvador has made history by becoming the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. On September 7, 2021, the country officially recognized Bitcoin as an accepted medium of exchange, allowing it to be used in any transaction, from buying everyday items to paying taxes.

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele has been a vocal proponent of the digital currency’s adoption. He believes that embracing Bitcoin can bring financial freedom to a significant portion of the population, as around 70% of Salvadorans do not have bank accounts. By utilizing Bitcoin, the country aims to bring more people into the formal economy and provide faster and cheaper options for receiving remittances from abroad.

Despite facing some skepticism from traditional financial institutions and economic experts, El Salvador’s finance minister, Alejandro Zelaya, has defended the decision to adopt Bitcoin. He stated that the move has been beneficial for the unbanked population, attracting tourism, and encouraging investments in the country.

El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin has been closely monitored by the international community. The country’s experience with Bitcoin as legal tender has garnered both support and criticism. On one hand, it has been celebrated by the global Bitcoin community as a significant milestone for cryptocurrencies and monetary experimentation.

On the other hand, there have been concerns and challenges to navigate. For instance, El Salvador incurred over 50% losses on its Bitcoin purchases, which has raised questions about the potential risks associated with adopting cryptocurrencies on a state level. Additionally, the country faced opposition from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which urged it to discontinue Bitcoin’s legal tender status.

In light of El Salvador’s groundbreaking move, other countries have also shown interest in adopting Bitcoin. Malaysia’s Deputy Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Zahidi Zainul Abidin, proposed to parliament that Malaysia should consider making Bitcoin legal tender as well. This has led some analysts to predict that 2023 could witness a wave of other countries following El Salvador’s lead in adopting Bitcoin.

El Salvador’s journey with Bitcoin has been closely watched, and its experiences may serve as a roadmap for other nations exploring the adoption of cryptocurrencies. The country’s pioneering efforts have sparked discussions about the potential benefits and challenges of integrating digital assets into national economies and financial systems.

Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) has approved Bitcoin as legal tender, making it the second country in the world to do so after El Salvador. The CAR’s lawmakers voted unanimously to adopt Bitcoin as an official currency, alongside the regional Central African CFA franc.

The decision to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender came as a surprise to many, given the CAR’s status as one of the world’s poorest countries with a history of civil unrest and conflict. However, the government believes that this move will secure an independent financial future for the country and open up new opportunities for its citizens.

The CAR’s adoption of Bitcoin has been met with mixed reactions, similar to the experience of El Salvador. While some view it as a bold and visionary step that could transform the country’s economy, others, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF), have expressed concerns about the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, citing their volatile prices and potential for financial instability.

One of the challenges the CAR may face in adopting Bitcoin as legal tender is internet accessibility. As of 2019, only 4% of the CAR’s population had access to the internet, which is required for using cryptocurrencies. This could potentially limit the practical usage and adoption of Bitcoin within the country.

The CAR’s decision to adopt Bitcoin may have significant implications for the future of digital assets in the African continent. By embracing cryptocurrencies, the CAR is positioning itself as a pioneer in this domain, signaling a willingness to explore alternative financial systems and potentially attract new investments.

Pros and Cons of Adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender

Adopting Bitcoin as legal tender has both pros and cons, which are worth considering to understand the potential implications of such a decision:

Pros of Adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender

Financial Inclusion: In countries with significant unbanked populations, like El Salvador and the Central African Republic, adopting Bitcoin can provide greater financial inclusion. It allows people without access to traditional banking services to participate in the formal economy, transact globally, and access financial services through decentralized platforms.

Lower Transaction Costs: Using Bitcoin for cross-border transactions can significantly reduce costs compared to traditional banking systems. It enables faster and cheaper remittances, benefiting both citizens and businesses, especially in countries heavily reliant on remittances like El Salvador.

Monetary Sovereignty: Embracing Bitcoin provides countries with an alternative to the traditional fiat system, reducing reliance on centralized monetary policies. This can be particularly appealing to nations seeking to protect their economies from external financial pressures or inflation associated with their national currencies.

Investment and Innovation: Being at the forefront of cryptocurrency adoption can attract investments and foster innovation within the blockchain and crypto industry. This, in turn, can create new job opportunities and drive economic growth.

Digital Economy Advancement: Adopting Bitcoin can drive the growth of the digital economy within the country. As businesses and individuals engage more with cryptocurrencies, it could lead to technological advancements and the development of new financial products and services.

Cons of Adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender

Price Volatility: Bitcoin’s price volatility is a significant concern for adopting it as legal tender. Sharp price fluctuations can lead to uncertainties in daily transactions, causing businesses and individuals to face challenges in pricing goods and services.

Regulatory Challenges: Introducing and regulating cryptocurrencies within existing legal frameworks can be complex. Countries may struggle to develop adequate regulations to address fraud, money laundering, and consumer protection, especially given the pseudonymous nature of Bitcoin transactions.

Limited Acceptance: Adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender might face resistance from merchants, businesses, and the public due to a lack of understanding or mistrust of cryptocurrencies. Achieving widespread acceptance may require substantial efforts to educate and familiarize people with the technology.

Environmental Concerns: The energy-intensive nature of Bitcoin mining has raised environmental concerns. The process of mining and validating transactions consumes significant electricity, leading to carbon emissions and potential ecological impacts.

Currency Risk: Countries adopting Bitcoin as legal tender could face currency risk due to Bitcoin’s inherent volatility and exposure to global market forces. Economic decisions based on the fluctuations of Bitcoin’s value may lead to unintended consequences for the country’s financial stability.


The adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender by countries like El Salvador and the Central African Republic has set a precedent for other nations to explore the benefits of cryptocurrencies. Developing countries like Nigeria and Ghana have demonstrated how Bitcoin can empower their citizens financially. 

Additionally, the presence of Venezuela, Russia, and Ukraine in the top ranks of crypto adoption showcases that cryptocurrency’s appeal extends beyond economic superpowers. As more countries explore the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the global financial landscape is undergoing a transformative shift towards decentralized and borderless financial systems. However, challenges and regulatory considerations persist, making the journey towards universal crypto adoption an evolving and dynamic process.

Read the article at CryptoPolitan

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MainNewsFive Crypto-...

Five Crypto-Friendly Countries Where Spending Your Crypto Is Fun

Five Crypto-Friendly Countries  Where Spending Your Crypto Is Fun
Jul, 24, 2023
14 min read
by CryptoPolitan
Five Crypto-Friendly Countries  Where Spending Your Crypto Is Fun

As the world witnesses a rapid evolution in financial systems and technological advancements, the adoption of cryptocurrencies has become a significant trend in numerous countries. Bitcoin, being the pioneer in the cryptocurrency space, has garnered significant attention from governments seeking alternatives to traditional fiat currencies.

Created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin rose to popularity as an alternative mode of payment post the 2008 collapse of the real estate and securities markets. More than a decade later, Bitcoin has been officially recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest and first cryptocurrency ever created. 

The crypto market was never the same after El Salvador, a Central American country, announced the adoption of Bitcoin as a legal tender in September 2021. Since then, many countries have displayed a positive attitude regarding the crypto sector. Many politicians and hedge fund managers have predicted a bullish future for cryptocurrency. 

Countries with Positive Attitude Towards Crypto

Many countries have adopted crypto-friendly policies allowing blockchain firms to register themselves as virtual asset service providers (VASPs) including Switzerland, Singapore, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the United Kingdom as well under the leadership of Rishi Sunak. 

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as one of the most progressive countries in the world regarding crypto and blockchain adoption. The UAE government has taken various steps to embrace digital assets and create a favorable environment for the crypto industry.

One significant development in the UAE’s crypto adoption is the acceptance of cryptocurrencies for paying visa and trade license fees. Government-owned licensing firm Kiklabb allows its clients to use various digital assets for these transactions. Additionally, the Dubai Financial Services Authority has been working on a holistic crypto regulatory framework as part of its business plan, further demonstrating the country’s interest in blockchain technology and digital currencies.

The UAE’s crypto-friendly policies have attracted companies like Ripple, which decided to open an office in the region. Moreover, the UAE and Saudi Arabia are reportedly collaborating on a joint central bank digital currency research initiative known as “Project Aber.”

The high level of confidence in cryptocurrencies has led to strong adoption in the UAE, with a reported 27.2% of the adult population engaging in crypto transactions in 2022. This rate places the UAE as one of the leading countries worldwide in terms of cryptocurrency usage.

Furthermore, businesses in the UAE are increasingly accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. The Visa’s Back to Business Global Study revealed that every small business owner surveyed in the UAE planned to accept some form of digital payment, with more than one-third expressing a willingness to accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Education institutions are also embracing cryptocurrencies in the UAE. For instance, the Citizens School in Dubai announced that it would accept tuition payments in Bitcoin and Ethereum when it opened its doors to students in September.

Overall, the UAE’s progressive approach to crypto regulation and its efforts to integrate cryptocurrencies into various sectors of the economy have contributed to its rapid adoption of digital assets. The country’s forward-thinking stance has made it an attractive destination for crypto and blockchain startups and companies seeking to expand their global footprint in the rapidly evolving digital economy.


The United Kingdom (UK) has shown significant growth in crypto adoption, positioning itself as one of the leading countries in the world with a surging number of cryptocurrency users. Various reports and studies shed light on the extent of crypto adoption in the UK and the factors contributing to this growth.

According to recent surveys, the number of people owning cryptocurrencies in the UK has increased dramatically. In 2018, there were around 1.5 million crypto owners, which skyrocketed to approximately 9.8 million in 2021, representing a staggering 650% increase in crypto adoption. This surge in ownership demonstrates a growing sense of acceptance and recognition of cryptocurrencies as a viable form of investment among UK residents.

Major crypto providers like Coinbase, Binance, and eToro have experienced exponential growth in their user base in the UK. Coinbase, in particular, leads with over 100,000 daily active cryptocurrency users (DAU), indicating the popularity of its services in the country.

Despite the rapid growth in crypto ownership, the UK ranks 21st out of 26 countries for overall crypto adoption, according to a Crypto Adoption Index report from November 2022. The crypto ownership rate in the UK is reported to be 9%, which is lower than the global average of 15%.

The UK government has also taken proactive steps to regulate the crypto industry. The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023, which received Royal Assent, aims to safely adopt crypto assets and create a regulated environment to attract international investors and promote growth in the sector.

The UK’s crypto market has been primarily driven by transactions in decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) spaces. London has been recognized as the world’s most crypto-ready city for business, which indicates the country’s potential to become a leader in crypto innovation.

It’s important to note that the crypto market can be highly dynamic, and regulatory changes or market trends may influence the adoption rates and overall landscape in the UK. As of 2023, the UK continues to be an important player in the global crypto industry, with significant growth in crypto adoption and a supportive environment for blockchain-related businesses and technologies.


Singapore has shown significant interest and adoption in cryptocurrencies, positioning itself as one of the leading countries in the global crypto market. Various reports and surveys provide insights into the extent of crypto adoption and the factors influencing its growth in Singapore.

According to a survey conducted in February 2023, one of the main reasons influencing Singaporeans to adopt cryptocurrencies was portfolio diversification. Additionally, 53% of respondents indicated that their family and friends played a role in influencing their decision to adopt cryptocurrencies. This suggests that the awareness and positive experiences shared by close connections have contributed to the uptake of cryptocurrencies in the country.

In terms of overall cryptocurrency adoption, Singapore ranks consistently among the top countries. The TripleA Global Crypto Ownership data, based on various metrics such as Country Weighted Scoring and Primary Data Collection, has ranked countries according to grassroots cryptocurrency adoption. This indicates that a significant portion of Singapore’s population has been embracing digital assets, contributing to its high ranking in the adoption index.

The authorities in the country released a framework for digital assets in September 2022 as per which crypto exchanges in the country would be required to share key details with regulators to increase transparency. Moreover, taking advantage of the regulations, DBS Group Holdings Ltd., Singapore’s largest bank, expanded its cryptocurrency trading services to an extra 100,000 of its richest clients. 

On the other hand, crypto, received regulatory approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore and now provides its services to the citizens of the city-state. In early July 2023, the MAS asked the crypto firms operating in the country to keep the funds belonging to their clients in a trust to provide an additional layer of security.


Indonesia has shown significant interest and adoption in cryptocurrencies, positioning itself as one of the countries with a high crypto adoption rate globally. As of 2023, Indonesia has shown significant interest and adoption in cryptocurrencies, positioning itself as one of the countries with a high crypto adoption rate globally. 

According to a study by Gemini, Indonesia has one of the highest crypto asset ownership rates globally, with 41% of Indonesians aged between 18 and 75 years old and earning more than $14,000 per year owning crypto assets. 

This places Indonesia among the top countries in terms of crypto adoption, sharing the top spots with Brazil among the 20 countries surveyed. The study suggests that many investors in Indonesia view cryptocurrencies as a hedge against future inflation, contributing to the high adoption rate.

Additionally, Indonesia has announced plans to establish a national cryptocurrency exchange in 2023 as part of a broader financial sector reorganization. The Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti) currently oversees digital assets, but the regulatory power over cryptocurrencies will be shifted to the Financial Services Authority (FSA) by 2024. The national cryptocurrency exchange is expected to be operational by mid-2023 and will be run by a private-sector company.

Indonesia has also experienced an increase in the number of crypto traders, reaching 16.3 million users by the end of 2022, compared to only 12 million in February 2021. This indicates that adoption is still happening despite market fluctuations and price movements.

Furthermore, the total value of cryptocurrency transactions in Indonesia from January to June 2022 amounted to 212 trillion Indonesian rupiah, reflecting the growing interest in digital currencies in the country.

The Indonesian government’s focus on establishing a national crypto exchange and shifting regulatory oversight to the FSA demonstrates its recognition of the importance of the crypto market and the need for proper regulation to protect investors and promote responsible crypto trading.


According to a report by KuCoin, 16% of the German population aged between 18 and 60 are crypto investors, and the interest in digital assets is rising consistently. The report highlights that 45% of digital asset investors in the country started trading within the past 6 months, indicating a recent boom in crypto investments among German citizens.

Furthermore, a ranking report from Coincub reveals that Germany witnessed a surge in cryptocurrency activity, moving up three places to become one of the leading crypto economies in the world. Germany is legally recognizing licensed cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers, contributing to its position as a crypto-friendly economy.

Moreover, Germany nearly entered the top 20 countries in the world in 2022 in terms of crypto adoption based on transaction volume. The inclusion of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) in the index likely influenced this positive trend, with Germany ranking well for both DeFi-related metrics.

Interestingly, Europe, as a whole, has seen increasing digital asset use and adoption, and Germany, along with countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands, has been leading the way in adopting cryptocurrencies.

While the crypto winter of 2022 presented challenges, such as a bearish market, expanding regulations are expected to boost crypto adoption in 2023, including by institutions. Reports suggest that institutional investors globally have shown increased interest in digital assets, further driving adoption in Germany and other countries.

Overall, the crypto adoption trend in Germany is positive, with a significant portion of the population already invested in cryptocurrencies or curious about them.

Adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender

There are two nations in the whole world that have adopted Bitcoin as legal tender, i.e., the Central African Republic (CAR) and El Salvador.

El Salvador

El Salvador has made history by becoming the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. On September 7, 2021, the country officially recognized Bitcoin as an accepted medium of exchange, allowing it to be used in any transaction, from buying everyday items to paying taxes.

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele has been a vocal proponent of the digital currency’s adoption. He believes that embracing Bitcoin can bring financial freedom to a significant portion of the population, as around 70% of Salvadorans do not have bank accounts. By utilizing Bitcoin, the country aims to bring more people into the formal economy and provide faster and cheaper options for receiving remittances from abroad.

Despite facing some skepticism from traditional financial institutions and economic experts, El Salvador’s finance minister, Alejandro Zelaya, has defended the decision to adopt Bitcoin. He stated that the move has been beneficial for the unbanked population, attracting tourism, and encouraging investments in the country.

El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin has been closely monitored by the international community. The country’s experience with Bitcoin as legal tender has garnered both support and criticism. On one hand, it has been celebrated by the global Bitcoin community as a significant milestone for cryptocurrencies and monetary experimentation.

On the other hand, there have been concerns and challenges to navigate. For instance, El Salvador incurred over 50% losses on its Bitcoin purchases, which has raised questions about the potential risks associated with adopting cryptocurrencies on a state level. Additionally, the country faced opposition from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which urged it to discontinue Bitcoin’s legal tender status.

In light of El Salvador’s groundbreaking move, other countries have also shown interest in adopting Bitcoin. Malaysia’s Deputy Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Zahidi Zainul Abidin, proposed to parliament that Malaysia should consider making Bitcoin legal tender as well. This has led some analysts to predict that 2023 could witness a wave of other countries following El Salvador’s lead in adopting Bitcoin.

El Salvador’s journey with Bitcoin has been closely watched, and its experiences may serve as a roadmap for other nations exploring the adoption of cryptocurrencies. The country’s pioneering efforts have sparked discussions about the potential benefits and challenges of integrating digital assets into national economies and financial systems.

Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) has approved Bitcoin as legal tender, making it the second country in the world to do so after El Salvador. The CAR’s lawmakers voted unanimously to adopt Bitcoin as an official currency, alongside the regional Central African CFA franc.

The decision to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender came as a surprise to many, given the CAR’s status as one of the world’s poorest countries with a history of civil unrest and conflict. However, the government believes that this move will secure an independent financial future for the country and open up new opportunities for its citizens.

The CAR’s adoption of Bitcoin has been met with mixed reactions, similar to the experience of El Salvador. While some view it as a bold and visionary step that could transform the country’s economy, others, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF), have expressed concerns about the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, citing their volatile prices and potential for financial instability.

One of the challenges the CAR may face in adopting Bitcoin as legal tender is internet accessibility. As of 2019, only 4% of the CAR’s population had access to the internet, which is required for using cryptocurrencies. This could potentially limit the practical usage and adoption of Bitcoin within the country.

The CAR’s decision to adopt Bitcoin may have significant implications for the future of digital assets in the African continent. By embracing cryptocurrencies, the CAR is positioning itself as a pioneer in this domain, signaling a willingness to explore alternative financial systems and potentially attract new investments.

Pros and Cons of Adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender

Adopting Bitcoin as legal tender has both pros and cons, which are worth considering to understand the potential implications of such a decision:

Pros of Adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender

Financial Inclusion: In countries with significant unbanked populations, like El Salvador and the Central African Republic, adopting Bitcoin can provide greater financial inclusion. It allows people without access to traditional banking services to participate in the formal economy, transact globally, and access financial services through decentralized platforms.

Lower Transaction Costs: Using Bitcoin for cross-border transactions can significantly reduce costs compared to traditional banking systems. It enables faster and cheaper remittances, benefiting both citizens and businesses, especially in countries heavily reliant on remittances like El Salvador.

Monetary Sovereignty: Embracing Bitcoin provides countries with an alternative to the traditional fiat system, reducing reliance on centralized monetary policies. This can be particularly appealing to nations seeking to protect their economies from external financial pressures or inflation associated with their national currencies.

Investment and Innovation: Being at the forefront of cryptocurrency adoption can attract investments and foster innovation within the blockchain and crypto industry. This, in turn, can create new job opportunities and drive economic growth.

Digital Economy Advancement: Adopting Bitcoin can drive the growth of the digital economy within the country. As businesses and individuals engage more with cryptocurrencies, it could lead to technological advancements and the development of new financial products and services.

Cons of Adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender

Price Volatility: Bitcoin’s price volatility is a significant concern for adopting it as legal tender. Sharp price fluctuations can lead to uncertainties in daily transactions, causing businesses and individuals to face challenges in pricing goods and services.

Regulatory Challenges: Introducing and regulating cryptocurrencies within existing legal frameworks can be complex. Countries may struggle to develop adequate regulations to address fraud, money laundering, and consumer protection, especially given the pseudonymous nature of Bitcoin transactions.

Limited Acceptance: Adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender might face resistance from merchants, businesses, and the public due to a lack of understanding or mistrust of cryptocurrencies. Achieving widespread acceptance may require substantial efforts to educate and familiarize people with the technology.

Environmental Concerns: The energy-intensive nature of Bitcoin mining has raised environmental concerns. The process of mining and validating transactions consumes significant electricity, leading to carbon emissions and potential ecological impacts.

Currency Risk: Countries adopting Bitcoin as legal tender could face currency risk due to Bitcoin’s inherent volatility and exposure to global market forces. Economic decisions based on the fluctuations of Bitcoin’s value may lead to unintended consequences for the country’s financial stability.


The adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender by countries like El Salvador and the Central African Republic has set a precedent for other nations to explore the benefits of cryptocurrencies. Developing countries like Nigeria and Ghana have demonstrated how Bitcoin can empower their citizens financially. 

Additionally, the presence of Venezuela, Russia, and Ukraine in the top ranks of crypto adoption showcases that cryptocurrency’s appeal extends beyond economic superpowers. As more countries explore the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the global financial landscape is undergoing a transformative shift towards decentralized and borderless financial systems. However, challenges and regulatory considerations persist, making the journey towards universal crypto adoption an evolving and dynamic process.

Read the article at CryptoPolitan

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