Market Cap$ 2.68T+0.61%
24h Spot Volume$ 36.22B+7.18%
ETH Gas13 Gwei
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sCANTO is a Liquid Staking Derivative (LSD). By holding sCANTO you are earning a prorata share the validator rewards.

What is sCANTO?

sCANTO is a Liquid Staking Derivative(LSD). By holding sCANTO you are earning a prorata share the validator rewards.

When you stake $CANTO at you get $sCANTO a liquid staking derivitive that can be used across a range of DeFi applications.

Unlike staked $CANTO, the $sCANTO are freely transferable instead of locked as in the case of native staking. $sCANTO lets users operate with staked tokens by leveraging collateral, lending, farming, and other kinds of Defi protocols.

$sCANTO can be instantly exited by selling it to the pools on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) available. No need to wait for the usual 21 day unbonding period.

sCANTO is based on Compound Finance's cToken model, and therefore has the following properties;

  • fully transferable
  • interest bearing
  • mintable
  • burnable (redeemable)
  • swapable

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